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Loading settings. While you wait, you can join our Discord for updates. If you have had this loading for long enough to read this, please refresh the page. Or check your internet connection. If your internet connection is stable, and you have reloaded the site. Make an issue on our GitHub or our Discord.


About:Blank & Blob Cloaking

About:Blank allows you to hide your tab history, and blockers such as GoGuardian by appearing that you are on a blank tab. If About:Blank doesn't work, then you can try using the blob cloaking which uses temporary data.

Automatic cloaking

This toggles automatic cloaking when the site first loads which hides the site from entering your history.

Note: Only one automatic cloaking toggle is allowed at a time.

Auto-Launch About:Blank

Auto-Launch Blob

Tab Cloaking

Tab Cloaking cloaks the name of the tab & icon, so your tab stays hidden from sight. Select a cloak down below to activate it.

Panic Key

Press the selected keybind to go to another site quickly. You can set multiple keybinds by seperating them with a comma.


Coming Soon

Plugins will be added soon to Space. While you wait, you can join our Discord for updates of when it may release.

Programmable Keybind

Bindable Keybind



Background Particles

This enables the background star particle effects, this is on by default. Performance Impact: High on low-end devices


Coming Soon

Themes will be added soon to Space. While you wait, you can join our Discord for updates of when it may release.

Proxy & Browser


Proxies are what run the unblocking backend for you to enjoy the games and apps that we display.

Changing the proxy may make some games perform better, run sites faster, and may make your overall experience better. For more information, join our Discord.


Transport is the method of how the proxy will transport information

Changing the transport may make some proxies perform better, but may also cause issues for others. Transport switching is an advanced feature, not recommended if you dont know what your doing.


This allows you to change settings about the browser and the elements within it. You can change the search engine or add/remove the utility bar.

Search Engine

Enable Utility Bar

This enables the basic top bar that you see when using the proxy. (Recomended)

Modern Page

Display bigger icons and a different style.

Enable bigger shortcut icons and a more modern look to the proxy page.


Enable Advertising

Toggle advertising on and off with the switch below. If you have ads off this makes us not get revenue and prevents us from upgrading servers, buying domains, etc.

If you do keep ads enabled, we thank you. This helps us a lot and contributes financially to our projects and services.

Toggle Advertising

Account Settings

Password Protection

Protect your account with a password that way only you can view the site.

Please remember that when setting your password, set it to something only you can remember, that way you do not get locked out of your account.

Password Keybind

Set the keybind to toggle the password appearing on screen. By default you will need to hold shift an then press ` (left of the 1 key).

Import & Export Data

Import simply loads your current userData and boots most of your user settings and data from the last site. Exporting downloads a save file that allows you to load your userData onto another URL to save settings and whatnot.

Wipe all Data

Pressing this button will completely wipe all data, making it as if you never used this site. Its recommended that you export your data before doing this.

Warning: This is a destructive action

About & Statistics

Development Team

Space is completely open-source and is owned, maintained, and managed by the Dusk till Dawn Team (DTD) at Night Network all of the source code is available on GitHub. Thank you for choosing Space!

To join our Discord for updates, uptimes, and links, click here.

Version & Analytics

You are currently on: v1.0.0

Last Updated: Month DD, YYYY

Server Status: Running

Load Times: Fast

To see current uptimes and upcoming maintenance


Contributions are welcome on our GitHub. Please follow the proper format when contributing [can be found in].

If you want to join the DTD Team, please open a ticket in our Discord.


If you have any issues while using Space please report them on our GitHub. We will try to fix them asap.

If you have any suggestions you can post them in our Discord.

If you would like to donate, please visit our Patreon.

News & Updates

Space has released!Version release [v.1.0.0]

Enjoy using all of the fun and exciting features we have packed into this site! Join our Discord to get more updates and changes.


  • Out of this world UI
  • Games
  • Apps
  • Proxy
  • Settings
  • Cloaking [Blob & About:Blank]
  • Tab Cloaking [Presets]

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find links?

You can find links by joining our Discord. We have a community links channel, a link bot for dispensing links, and weekly links.

Why do some sites not load/work

There can be a number of reason a site doesnt load but some of the common ones are listed below.

  • Proxy Service doesnt support the site(s)
  • Our servers are either down or experiencing high loads
  • Issue with the actual site you are visiting
  • Security Flagged

More than half of the reasons listed are not within our control and are fixed seemingly at random by the proxy community.

How can I make links? (BYOD) Popular FAQ

To make links you will need to have a personal PC or device.

  1. First open FreeDNS.
  2. Next head to Tempmail and open a temporary email.
    • Type in a random name or text string for the First & Last name
    • Create a random password then use the Tempmail email for the email section.
    • Once these have been filled, complete the captcha and accept the Privacy and TOS agreement.
  3. Then go to the subdomains ( and click add.
  4. Fill in the blanks as instructed below:
    • Type: A
    • Subdomain: Anything (This is the name of the site you want)
    • Domain: Click it, then click Many many more available. Then click shared domain Registry. Choose any public domain you like. (Usually within 10-40's of the pages)
    • Destination: (If you don't put this correctly the link will NOT work.)
  5. Once the following has been filled in, complete the captcha below then click save.
  6. And you are done 🎉

Note: You will need to wait 8m at most for the site to fully boot up.

If you have any issues while doing a BYOD, please open a support ticket on our Discord and our team will gladly help you.

I found a bug, what now?

If you've found an issue while using Space, you can do any of the following methods of reporting: